Accidents happen, and sometimes accidents happen in the workplace. Not all injuries are required to be reported by employers to the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (W.S.I.B.), such as minor injuries. It is in the worker’s best interest to file their claim immediately. Claims need to be filed within 6 months of the date of the accident.
Were you injured in a car accident while in the course of your employment? You may have the option to choose between the W.S.I.B. system and a civil lawsuit. Contact us as soon as possible so we can give you the information you will need to make an educated decision on which avenue to pursue.
It is important that you know what your rights are before you have missed a deadline to object to a decision made by the W.S.I.B. Contact one of our W.S.I.B. experts for your free, no obligation, consultation to determine what rights you have as an employer, or employee.
If you have been denied disability benefits (Short Term Disability, Long Term Disability, Canada Pension Plan Disability) contact us for a free, no obligation, consultation with one of our lawyers. You may be able to appeal the denial of benefits. We have lawyers that are experienced with successfully appealing denied benefits, and are prepared to help you.